Crows, Problem Solving and Education

Sometimes homeschoolers get into a rut. There is something that they need or want, but getting there seems difficult. This affects others, too, but from the perspective of homeschooling, there are always more solutions than difficulties because of the unique nature of flexibility within a homeschool program. So, in thinking about your homeschool program and any problems that you're having, what seems out of reach to you? Whatever it is, maybe you should toss it out to the birds, the C.R.O.W.s, that is!

In Aesop's fable, a crow discovers that the solution to its problem is by taking a common, ordinary stone, and putting into a pitcher. You see, the pitcher has some water in it that the crow wants to drink, but it's too far down for the crow to reach. By putting in stone after stone, the crow slowly raises the level of the water to drinking height. The moral of the fable, according to Aesop, is "little by little does the trick."

You may even have heard about the study that was done at the University of Cambridge that confirmed this fable. A team of researchers there were able to put a worm into a pitcher, and they witnessed the same phenomena as a rook, a bird in the crow family, used stones to raise the level of the water in order to get the worm. Amazing, huh? So what does a crow know that we don't?

C - "C" is for Clarity. In order to tackle a problem, sometimes you have to sort out the emotion behind it, remove the fillers, and get down to what the real problem is. Clarify what you are trying to do, without the extras. Sometimes the problem that we really have is not the one that we think we have when we sift through these distractions. Try to sum up your problem in 15 words or less and write it down. That is not as easy as it sounds, but if you can clarify the issue, then you will be on your way to the solution.

R - "R" is for Research. Research this issue with others, online or "live." Share your newly clarified issue with a friend who is good at seeing things objectively, or consult a homeschool coach. Get online input for your issue. New tools, techniques and groups are available all the time, so the research you've done in the past is old, but your problem is new! Get innovative and fresh eyes on your problem. Get help from others, as they will have insights that you don't.

O - "O" is for Organize. Organize your options and resources into categories of things that you can implement right now, things that will require more research or money, and things that will be aspired to down the road. Then, set up a timeline of steps you will take. Actually put them on a calendar as organized steps you will be taking towards solutions. But, be sure to keep the calendar handy!

W - "W" is for Walk Away. "Walk Away" has two types. The first is to know when to walk away from this problem because it cannot be fixed and your goal is unrealistic. Sometimes, the things that we want or are out of reach right now are just not what is good for us or our homeschool program. When that happens, the only thing to do is to walk away from that expectation and allow yourself the freedom to set new goals. There will be other "worms" and "pitchers of water" elsewhere. If this is the case, you will probably have had an inkling of this in the Clarify stage.

The other type of "walk away" is the type that allows time to pass before you take action. Sometimes you have to wait for the right age, or the right resource, or the playing out of something else before you can move forward. Sometimes you need to allow your mind to ruminate on the issue a bit more. This doesn't mean that the goal is unrealistic, only that it will need more time. If this is the case, don't be frustrated. You've done good work to come to some solutions, so all you need to do now is wait them out.

An Introduction to Homeschooling Laws

Numerous parents, for several different reasons, make the decision to homeschool their children. Homeschooling allows for a particular educational experience intended to fit your child's specific needs and, in numerous cases, goes above and beyond what can be achieved in a public or private school system. If you make the decision to homeschool your family, it is important that you do so legally, and recognize the laws in your area. It is absolutely crucial that you do this, because if you fail to meet statutory standards when homeschooling your children you will inadvertently rob your children of postsecondary educational opportunities.

Homeschooling laws vary from situation to situation, so you have to look up the precise laws in your home state. The foundation of state laws on homeschooling is the result of truancy laws that order children to be present in a day-school. The fundamental idea is that these laws prevail to tell apart a homeschooled child from a child that is merely not going to school, which is of course against the law. Ordinarily, states will require that you submit a "notice of intent" to homeschool your children before the upcoming academic year. The state will then respond with the proper paperwork for you to fill out.

Besides familiarizing yourself with the particular laws of your state you should also consult a homeschooling organization for advice. In various cases parents will be dealing with school officials who want to dishearten them from homeschooling, and in these situations it is important that you understand your rights. In the state of New York, for instance, parents are not required to meet with school officials. School officials may request a meeting with the parents in order to consult on homeschooling, but the state may not revoke the right to homeschool if the parents refuse this meeting.

It is also required that your child take standardized tests. This is so the state can legally allocate your child to a given grade level. The laws vary from state to state but in most cases you will have a certain amount of leeway in non-standardized tests. New York allows for non-standard tests every alternate year between grades 4 and 8, for example.

Though it may seem intimidating at first, homeschooling your children legally is, in the end, not that complex. You just have to make certain that you follow every step, and don't neglect any paperwork. While several state restrictions or protocol may seem unnecessary or cumbersome, in the long run you'll save yourself a ton of headaches if you fill everything in properly and on time.

The first thing you can do when you start to homeschool your children is to consult different homeschooling parents and advocacy groups. Looking up legal vernacular online can be confusing, but any homeschooling group will supply you solid, plain-English advice on how to properly and legally set up homeschooling for your children. Remember: it's impossible to overestimate the importance of studying your state laws in regards to homeschooling - if you overlook or disregard any of them, you could lose your right to homeschool altogether.

Home School Physical Education

Numerous parents, for several different reasons, make the decision to homeschool their children. Homeschooling allows for a particular educational experience intended to fit your child's specific needs and, in numerous cases, goes above and beyond what can be achieved in a public or private school system. If you make the decision to homeschool your family, it is important that you do so legally, and recognize the laws in your area. It is absolutely crucial that you do this, because if you fail to meet statutory standards when homeschooling your children you will inadvertently rob your children of postsecondary educational opportunities.

Homeschooling laws vary from situation to situation, so you have to look up the precise laws in your home state. The foundation of state laws on homeschooling is the result of truancy laws that order children to be present in a day-school. The fundamental idea is that these laws prevail to tell apart a homeschooled child from a child that is merely not going to school, which is of course against the law. Ordinarily, states will require that you submit a "notice of intent" to homeschool your children before the upcoming academic year. The state will then respond with the proper paperwork for you to fill out.

Besides familiarizing yourself with the particular laws of your state you should also consult a homeschooling organization for advice. In various cases parents will be dealing with school officials who want to dishearten them from homeschooling, and in these situations it is important that you understand your rights. In the state of New York, for instance, parents are not required to meet with school officials. School officials may request a meeting with the parents in order to consult on homeschooling, but the state may not revoke the right to homeschool if the parents refuse this meeting.

It is also required that your child take standardized tests. This is so the state can legally allocate your child to a given grade level. The laws vary from state to state but in most cases you will have a certain amount of leeway in non-standardized tests. New York allows for non-standard tests every alternate year between grades 4 and 8, for example.

Though it may seem intimidating at first, homeschooling your children legally is, in the end, not that complex. You just have to make certain that you follow every step, and don't neglect any paperwork. While several state restrictions or protocol may seem unnecessary or cumbersome, in the long run you'll save yourself a ton of headaches if you fill everything in properly and on time.

The first thing you can do when you start to homeschool your children is to consult different homeschooling parents and advocacy groups. Looking up legal vernacular online can be confusing, but any homeschooling group will supply you solid, plain-English advice on how to properly and legally set up homeschooling for your children. Remember: it's impossible to overestimate the importance of studying your state laws in regards to homeschooling - if you overlook or disregard any of them, you could lose your right to homeschool altogether.

Home School Physical Education

Providing a physical education component while home schooling is an important part of the education of your child and it is actually one of the major challenges faced by parents that choose to use a homeschooling program to educate their kids. The good news is that it is rather simple to include a good P.E. curriculum to your home school schedule and it can also be done without having to use or consult any help from outside the home.

It's important to remember that the stress of most people's and student's daily lives often leave them feeling tired with little energy, which is why taking a bike ride or a nature walk, or even teaching your child how to play a sport can be so helpful. So even if you hated gym class as a kid, or even loved it, physical education and exercise is really something that should not be overlooked. Because after all, a sharp mind and healthy body will make it easier for your child to do well academically anyway.

Furthermore, physical education deals with more than just learning how to play certain sports; it should encompass a well planned instructional program that is aimed specifically at helping your student or child meet and achieve a series of pre-defined objectives. Thus, home school physical education, which should be a necessary component of your child's overall curriculum, needs to go beyond simply teaching him or her how to play a sport; it needs to teach overall fitness and self responsibility, along with the enjoyment of engaging in physical activities.